Discovery Court
The central theme is sustainability and the belief that a building is not just a structure made of brick and mortar but a space that facilitates learning.
The discovery court is the core of the building environment and the place where all the learning and discovery meet hence earning the name ‘Discovery Court’. The design complements an environment suited for learning through discovery and exploration. The unique element here is the green plant vertical wall, which reminds each student of the need to remain connected and in harmony with nature. The sky glass viewing galleries on different floors provide an aerial view of the events held in the Discovery court. The court has 230 digital moving retractable seats facing a raised stage for performances and A/V projections with accessible digital Podiums.
The Discovery Court is where students discover opportunities to ideate, create and innovate.
The retractable seating creates a platform for theatre performances, debates and is a melting pot of diverse ideas, activities and spontaneous ca
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